Thursday, August 27, 2015


When my friends asked me if I wanted to go to the movies to see Ant-Man my first thought was Really? Ant-Man? Isn't that lame? I am a huge fan of the Marvel super hero movies, especially the Avengers films, but I must admit I was reluctant. However, any chance I can get to hang out with my friends, I will take. It isn't very often that I get free time just to spend with my friends because I am a mom of a 4 year old, I have a lot of focus on my career, and I am attending graduate school. So, we went on the Tuesday after it was released. $5.50 discount days at the movies - cha-ching! 

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised. Paul Rudd did an amazing job at portraying the role of Ant-Man. There was just enough humor to keep the entire audience laughing at different points throughout the film. The special effects were similar to those of "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids." I was taken back to Rick Moranis jokes and the kids riding on the ant in the yard. The romance felt forced - just not very believable at all. Paul Rudd was charming, but the movie would have been just as good, or even better without it. The action scenes were good, but it was the comedic charm that set the tone for this film. Ant-Man was entertaining and definitely competes with others in its genre.